Acadle API Documentation

Get User List

The following API can be utilized to retrieve all users from the academy.

Method : GET
Request Header : {
   "Content-Type" : "application/json",
   "API-Key" : "Your API Key"
Request Body: {
    "page" : 1, // Optional - Default value is 1
    "per_page" : 10 // Optional - Default value is 10  - Range: 1 to 1000
Response : {
   "status": "success",
   "data": [
           "id" : 1,
           "first_name" : "John",
           "last_name" : "Doe",
           "email" : "",
           "email_verified_at" : "2024-04:13 02:34:23",
           "dila_code : 91",
           "phone" : "9999999999",
           "status" : "active",
           "profile_image" : {
                "original" : "",
                "thumb" : "",
   "pagination" : {
       "current_page" : 1,
       "last_page" : 1,
       "per_page" : 10,
       "total" : 1